Doodles are fun. Except when they were supposed to be pics. Then they piss me off.

Well, some of my doodles are really cute, or really cool, or something else that makes them post-worthy. I'm just glad to finally get them separated from the pics so people aren't constantly asking me the difference between the two! Some of them I cleaned, some of them I didn't, so don't be surprised if they're dirty. These don't have quality ratings, and I'm not etremely sure the order is right because I didn't date most of them, so I had to guess. They should be in approximately the right order. Have fun gazing at the bowels of my talent!!

NOTE: New doodles are at the top; the farther down you scroll, the older the pics get.
ALSO NOTE: Doodles that may be disturbing to some people are marked with a * on each end.

A Doodle
No, that's not just a crappy name, it's really a doodle of a doodle. What can I say, this was the second time I'd read Beowulf.

Jeice and UFO kissing
Lol, the Hershey cart was slow that day, so I doodled this between customers. Hadda wrestle it away from a co-worker and my boss to get it home. (Yes, that's a napkin I drew this on.)

Me Looking Confused
As if I ever look any other way. :P

My eevee!! Named after my favorite band Eve 6, of course.

chibi Vegeta
Ahh the joy of drawing chibis, probably the only productive thing I did in my Spanish class. This one's my favorite.

chibi Piccolo
I didn't do as well on this one... Still cute, though.

chibi Shorty
Shorty's pulling a close second to Vegeta. VERY close.

chibi Leda w/a Ginyu Force fan
Yeah yeah, I'm psycho about the Ginyu Force. Me = cute in this.

chibi Leda
Look, a little me!

Okay, so it's really Trunks. Beowulf was described as this big mighty all-powerful dude with a sword that everybody loved, of course I drew Trunks as him!!

* Suicide with a Gun *
Therapy doodles at their peak. Anyone who's sensitive to violence or loves me very much may not want to view this.

* Homicide with a Sword *
Don't look, Vegeta, just don't look...

This Class Sucks!
Needless to say I hated my art class.

* Outline *
God this looks like a Playboy logo or something. This is what multiple Mt. Dews in the middle of the night does to you.

I Miss Daddy
This one is clearly a doodle due to the total lack of effort on Cora's hair. Trunks turned out pretty well, though.

This was just me trying to get the hang of Wendy's hair. I like her hair, it's fun!

P-Chan Scaring Piccolo
This and the one below were drawn to go along with my Taking to the Lanes fic. Go Pepper!!

Shoulder Bowling
I look cute in overalls. ^_^

Where'd He Go?!
Here we see me about two seconds before I get clobbered by Piccolo. (YEAH TOAST!!!)

Got bored in English class. Only had enough room for 18's head.

Unfinished Vegeta
I think I started this drawing and forgot about it. Never did finish it, but decided to post it anyway.

Ginyu Pair
Appreciate this thing, I did it on my comp with the MSPaint thing. Took me nine hours. I still don't know what the hell we're looking at, though.

Chibi Goku
Anytime I didn't understand (or didn't care) what was going on in my Physical Science class, I fooled around and/or doodled.

God my science class sucked.

Shorty bullshitting
One of the first pics of Shorty I ever did. Hehe, I actually colored in his hair this time, too.

The only pic of Maui I ever did that I was proud of. I wish I hadn't cut this pic down, though; in the rest of this one he's staring at me (as my furre) being retarded while I'm drunk.

Some Magic Shit
At least my science class produced some cool-lookin' doodles.

Not that Monica actually skateboards. I just thought this looked kinda like her, so I stole her name.

Well, Skip was Monica's boyfriend at the time.

Practice Sketches: 1, 2
These were just my pratices on blocking before drawing, and also the first time I'd ever drawn a girl with short hair. Man, sure wish I could still draw skirts like that.

Amy shaded
This was one among many doodles I did on the same page. I guess I was going for some seriousness motif or something, everyone's shaded like they're being interrogated.

Saffira shaded
Oooh, wow, she's... crooked...

Subira (a.k.a P-Chan) shaded
I think this is the best of the group.

Leda shaded
God I look like a scrub.

Phone Conversation
Don't ask me who this is. This was another page of doodles.

Reading on the Couch
No idea who this is either. I really like how this turned out, though.

Hottie Hug
I like her hair. This pic reminds me of Katie.

My boss challenged me to draw a close-up shot since I usually draw from farther off.

Without a doubt the oldest pic still in my possession. This is from middle school, baby!
